Can we really have it all? Musings about sacrifice

A few weeks ago, I was stumbling around the internet trying to get motivated to do something I didn’t want to do.

(Don’t lie, you’ve been there.)

I came across a Quora thread that got me thinking about sacrifice. The author poses this question: What are the things we have to sacrifice to be successful and is it worth it?

People don’t like to talk about sacrifice anymore.

Because we can ✨ have it all ✨ right?

I believe that everything you want in life involves sacrificing something else, and that’s not a bad thing. It’s just a choice.

Sometimes you have to forego short-term benefits to reach your long-term goals.

I sacrificed my 20s to become a mother and an entrepreneur. While all my friends were out at the bars on Saturday night, rolling into brunch on Sunday morning, and spending the rest of their weekends on the couch, I was raising my kids, working full-time, and building my first company during nights and weekends. Then at 27, I started my second company and quit my job. It was hard. I worked a lot and I largely felt alone.

Most of my friends didn’t get it and today, most of them are no longer in my life.

It took me a long time to realize that’s okay.

It’s okay to take the path less traveled.

It’s okay to let go of what no longer serves you.

It’s okay to toss out what’s expected of you to create your own vision.

It’s okay to make sacrifices even if it’s not popular.

In fact, it’s more than okay. The result of sacrifice can be absolutely beautiful.

A respondent on Quora summarized it perfectly:

“To be successful what you need to sacrifice is your short-term wants to go for your real wants.


It's absolutely worth it.”

No actionable advice today… just thoughts straight from my mind to yours. Happy Friday.