
Are you stressed? Exhausted? Overworked? If so, read this.


I’ve been using the High Performance Habits journal since late 2020.

Every day it asks, “if I was a high performance coach looking at my life, I would tell myself to remember to…”

Many days, I find myself writing the same words:

“Breathe. It’s all going to get done.”

Trying to live a high performance life every single day gets exhausting. It’s easy to over-fill your schedule, take on too much, and burn out.

Here’s what I’ve learned over 10 years as an entrepreneur:

Priorities are always a moving target.

The best laid plans often go awry.

Whenever you think you’re caught up something pops up. (Is “caught up” even a thing?)

No matter what you do to get ahead...

No matter how many hours you work...

There’s always more to do.

The work will never be done, in any area of your life.

So, take a minute. Close your eyes and breathe.

Ask yourself:

Who cares if the laundry sits for a few days?

Who cares if your inbox fills up while you’re focusing on other priorities?

Who cares if the kids get to watch an extra movie here and there?

Who cares if you’ve been meaning to wallpaper one wall in your bathroom for a full month? (Okay, this one probably only applies to me.)

Who cares if... what are you wrestling with? What seems like it never gets done? Fill it in here.

If it’s a priority, it’s going to get done.

So take the time to be mentally and physically well.

Get the sleep you need.

Have dinner with your family.

Take the afternoon off work.

Life is a mind game...

And it’s only stressful if you make it so.

Everything is okay in the end.

If it’s not okay, it’s not the end.