Are you uncomfortable? Breaking through upper limits

Are you uncomfortable right now?

You may be hitting your upper limit.

Here’s what that is and how to overcome it 👇

Apparently, all of our brains have a happiness upper limit—we can only experience so much love, success, or joy before our brains begin to worry, fear, or become anxious.

This is our mind’s way of keeping us safe. BUT safe and comfortable isn’t always a good place to be, especially not if you’re reaching for that next big goal…

Growing your business to the next milestone…

Or finally getting close to that personal dream.

This happened to me recently. All the things I’m working toward seem to be falling into place—for now. (We all know that startup life is a game of constant change. ;))

My company’s numbers look good. The team is bought in and working hard. We’re positioned to have our best sales quarter ever. The podcast is growing. I’m leaving for a dream vacation in a couple weeks…

And yet, even with all of that happening, I’m SCARED. Anxious. Constantly preparing for the worst. Second-guessing all of my decisions. Not sleeping well.

I can’t think of a better question to ask than: what in the actual hell??

Through a lot of reading (shoutout to Gay Hendricks, author of The Big Leap, who discusses the upper limit problem at length), and a lot of therapy, I am working to break through my upper limit.

Here’s how:

Identify your limiting beliefs and hidden barriers.

Here are a few of my limiting beliefs:

  • I got my company to where it is, but I don’t know who I need to be to get to the next level.

  • I question whether I am smart enough to get to the next level.

  • I believe I need to always be a top 1% performer and sometimes I can’t show up like that.

  • I fear the amount of time I will have to invest and the toll it could take on personal relationships

Work to understand why your limiting beliefs are untrue.

I’m not going to lie—this part isn’t simple. For me it’s therapy, parts work, re-defining my core values, personal development, and a lot of introspection that helps me understand my limiting beliefs are just that, beliefs.

Remember that only YOU can change what you believe.

Become the next version of yourself.

You may have heard the famous phrase, or read the book by Marshall Goldsmith: What got you here, won’t get you there.

Sometimes, to get to the next level in whatever you’re pursuing, you have to make changes.

You have to change the people around you.

You have to change your goals and plans to get there.

You have to change your habits.

And this one I’ve found to be most important of all:

You have to change your mindset.

The first limiting belief I listed above is partially true—I don’t exactly know who I need to be to get to the next company revenue milestone, the fitness goal I’m currently working toward, or the life filled with pure joy and happiness that I’ve always dreamed of.

But I DO know this:

I always figure it out. Every single time.

And so do you.

Remember that.
