Episode 105. How do I bust through my upper limit?


In this episode of Big Questions, Short Answers, we talk about that nagging feeling you get when everything seems to be going great, but for some reason, something seems off. It’s called hitting your “Upper Limit,” and it’s your brain’s way of trying to keep you in your comfort zone. 

Surprisingly, our brains don’t want to keep us happy—just comfortable. When we get that new job or hit that big milestone, sometimes we end up spending even more time worrying instead of celebrating. If you’re not used to feeling happy or getting what you want, finally doing so could make you uncomfortable, or even scared. 

At the end of the episode, I share how I’m currently struggling with pushing through my Upper Limit and the ways it’s manifesting in my life. Make sure you tune in for tips on how you can level up to become the best version of YOU.

SoloJackie Hermes