Episode 133. Doing the deep work: how distracted are you on a daily basis?


It’s so freaking hard to stay focused in today’s world of emails, Slack and constant notifications. Oftentimes we put pressure on ourselves that we must be connected at all times—but what happens when we take away those distractions? (Spoiler alert: you feel better). 

My team recently read Deep Work: Rules for Focused Success in a Distracted World by Cal Newport as part of our book club. TL;DR: it would be great to escape to a cabin in the woods like many great philosophers, writers and leaders do, but that’s not accessible for most of us. So what can we do?

In the episode we’ll talk about practical tips you can use to remove some of those distractions, like taking a social media break or removing Slack from your phone. Tune in for some of my favorite resources that have helped me become more focused.

SoloJackie Hermes