You don't have to improve every weakness

We focus WAY too much on our weaknesses and not enough on our strengths.

Every class we take, book we choose, conversation we have with bosses, mentors, coaches—they all focus on what we need to improve.

Instead of teaching us to lean into our strengths.

Yes, some weaknesses for sure have to be improved.

If you’re a leader, you have to learn how to be a good communicator.

If you’re a manager, you have to learn how to be a good coach.

If you’re an entrepreneur, you for sure have to learn how to manage stress.

These are table stakes for the job… BUT:

You don’t have to improve every single weakness.

Weakness-based training makes people feel inadequate. Like they are not enough and never will be. And no one wants to work every day in an environment that makes them feel that way.

The most successful people that I know lean into their strengths and they fill the gaps that their weaknesses create in other ways. And build their teams this way.

In fact, in order to be successful, you only need to be really good at a few things.

It took me a long time to learn this.

If you are a type A achiever like me—you probably think you need to be perfect.

Here’s a reminder to you and me: you are not perfect. You never will be and you don’t have to be. Some things, you will not be good at.

And that is okay!!!

To learn more about leaning into your strengths, listen to my podcast episode linked in the comments.

What’s something you can let go of to focus on your strengths? 

#leadership #personaldevelopment