Stupidly Optimistic

I believe that to be successful you have to be absolutely stupidly optimistic.

Not cautiously optimistic.

Not just optimistic.

Insanely, foolishly, stupidly optimistic.

Here’s what that means 👇

Stupidly optimistic people believe it’s going to work out even when faced with a mountain of evidence that says it might not.

They dream about the future while making their situation work in the now.

They take risks, they fall down, and then get up and do it all over again.

They have faith when others think they’re nuts.

They don’t play the game scared.

They trust the process.

They trust themselves.

Being stupidly optimistic is what’s kept me alive on this crazy ride that is entrepreneurship.

Are you ready to be stupidly optimistic with me this year?

#success #motivation