If not this, then something better


If not this, then something better.

I was reading some comments on TikTok and saw a story I wanted to share with you today.

(I know, I’m trying to be cool and have a TikTok account. It’s definitely not LinkedIn. I went live one time on the platform and the only response I got was “Mom, is that you?” 😂)


A woman commented on one of my videos last week and said:

“My granola company didn’t make it through the pandemic but I learned and created a new business that I love.”

This woman not only survived a business going under—which is a major blow to your ego, your self-esteem, your finances, you name it—but she turned it into an opportunity to thrive.

Now that’s incredible.

This comment 100% embodies one of my favorite mantras: if not this, then something better.

Here’s what that means to me:

There is always a silver lining, if you believe.

Whenever we lose a deal at Accelity, I am confident that a bigger, better deal is coming our way.

Whenever we miss a goal, I am confident we’ll blow it out of the water next quarter.

Whenever I take a hit personally, I am confident that I will come out even stronger in the end.

I know these things not just because I’m optimistic…

But because I, and the people around me, work relentlessly to ensure it happens.

Next time you meet a challenge that doesn’t go your way, try my mantra. If not this, then something better. Figure out what “better” is. Then put one foot in front of the other, and make it happen.

How are you creating “something better” for yourself?


#mindset #motivation