3 people you need to succeed

“If you want to go fast, go alone, if you want to go far, go together.” - African Proverb

I’m going to be honest: I used to think this phrase was total bullshit.

I used to think that if I wanted something done, and done right, it was up to me to do it.

That if I didn’t want to be disappointed (again and again), then I would need to pave the way for myself.

That my hard work, and my hard work alone, would take me to exactly where I wanted to be.

And you know what—some of that is true. But it doesn’t mean that we don’t need other people to succeed.

It’s taken me years of hard work and many relationships, both good and bad, to understand the kind of people we all need to be surrounded by to succeed:

1: The Truth Tellers

These are the people that will tell you the truth whpeopleether you want to hear it or not. No matter who you are, how successful you are, and even how you might react.

They challenge you while most people just smile and nod then talk shit about you when you leave.

2: The Rock-solid Supporters

These are the people that are in your corner no. matter. what.

When you fall down, they pick you up. When you screw up, they help you solve the problem. When you have to get picked up from the police station, you call them. (Idk why that’s where my brain went but I had to include it. 😂 I digress.)

3: The Motivators

These are the aspirational people in your life. You want to know them, you want to spend time with them, you want to be like them. They do the things you want to do, they have the things you want to have.

They inspire you to do more, be a better person, and relentlessly chase your dreams.

I am so lucky to have people in every category—but it didn’t happen overnight. It takes many years of exploring relationships, letting people in (sometimes when you don’t want to), and being honest with them and yourself.

Do you have truth tellers, rock-solid supporters, and motivators in your life?

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